[LargeFormat] Polaroid film/ My first photos

Verna Knapp largeformat@f32.net
Mon May 26 14:00:26 2003

Could be. I am of the female persuasion, and have long hair. It is worst 
of all when I have my hair braided. Those of you who have naturally 
"shaved" heads or very short hair (like my sister-in-law, who wears a 
burr cut) should be just fine with it.


Stuart Phillips wrote:

> I suppose it depends on the amount of hair. Perhaps it should be advertized
> as a "male-only" hood? I've been shaving since I was 14 and it works great
> for me.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Verna Knapp" <vernak@wvi.com>
> To: <largeformat@f32.net>
> Sent: Monday, May 26, 2003 1:22 PM
> Subject: Re: [LargeFormat] Polaroid film/ My first photos
>>I have the BTZS cloth. It pulls hair. I don't use it because it is just
>>too painful and frustrating. I also have one of those black and white
>>cloths with weights in the edges that is good. My favorite, though, is a
>>black "bath sheet" sized towel. It breathes, and it is plenty heavy and
>>plenty dark inside.

"Barn's burnt down -- now I can see the moon"
Zen saying