[LargeFormat] pure-silver

rstein largeformat@f32.net
Fri May 16 21:22:15 2003

Dear Stan,

     McQueen, McQueen, McQueen....I'm sure I've seen that name somewhere
before. Woomera you say? Woomera.....

    AH. I HAVE IT! The famous Dead Donkey incident. The questions in
Parliament. The dismissal of the head of the Department of Obfuscation in
South Australia. My God - I think the warrants are still current for that
one. Boy will the Department be glad when I send them your email address.

     Uncle Dick

PS Apropos the last part of the message - I am thinking of opening a corner
food store that will cater for the older European migrant. You know - wierd
cheeses and stinky sausages and olive oil in hogsheads. It will be known as
The Incontinental Deli....