Clive Warren largeformat@f32.net
Mon Aug 26 06:29:28 2002

At 9:00 am +0800 3/8/02, rstein wrote:
>Dear Friends,
>     I conduct regular contests on the Hasselblad Users Group list to
>encourage lateral thinking and a spirit of camaraderie and dispose of old
>rubbish that is cluttering up the studio or darkroom. I have been reviewing
>the premises this week and have discovered that I have the ingredients for
>just such a contest here on Large Format. Why should the HUG have all the
>fun - why shouldn't you suffer as well.
>     The contests on the HUG are entitled FULL MOON for obvious reasons. As
>we use sheet film for our cameras here, this title is also obvous. For our
>first one the topic will be:
>     A bumper sticker for Large Format photographers to amuse or instruct the
>following traffic.
>     The contest runs for a coupla weeks or so - until all interested entries
>are posted - and they should be posted on the open list rather than just
>sent off-line - and then I announce the winner. The winner then risks their
>peace of mind by sending me their postal address privately and resigns
>themselves to the inevitable surprise parcel in the post. I have never
>failed yet.
>     Uncle Dick
>PS: If you doubt this is genuine, refer to the HUG, they'll vouch for me or
>PPS: The decision is final and no judges will be entered into.

Dear Uncle Dick,

Your competition was posted at about the time the list server had 
indigestion. As a result I'm sure that some entries were lost in the 

Are entries still open?
