[LargeFormat] Gray grads vs. Neutral density filters for 4x5

Jim Brick largeformat@f32.net
Mon Jul 15 12:36:07 2002

A graduated ND is used to balance a bright sky with a dark foreground. 
That's why it is graduated. A ND filter is used to reduce the total amount 
of light reaching the film, usually so you can use a wider f/stop (reduce 
DOF) or for a longer shutter speed (to make water look silky.) ND grads and 
ND filters are different and used for completely different purposes.


At 09:03 AM 7/15/2002 -0700, Diane Maher wrote:
>I will be taking some scenic shots in northern UK/Wales and I have two of the
>Cokin gray grad filters.  My question is, would I be better off getting some
>neutral density filters for the landscapes? I'll be using Provia 100F film.
>If so, which do you recommend?