[LargeFormat] LF Conference and Super XX

Pete Caluori largeformat@f32.net
Sat Jul 6 01:17:49 2002

From: Clive Warren <cocam@blueyonder.co.uk>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2002 00:48:21 +0100


Am very jealous!  Spent a good few days trying to track down a cheap
flight to NM about a week before the event. How about a potted review
for the Discussion Forum?


Clive asked for a synopsis so I’ll give it my best.  Steve Simmons/View 
Camera Magazine organized the event, which was held at the University of New 
Mexico at Albuquerque.  Steve admitted to being nervous, because he didn’t 
think there would be sufficient interest, but interest there was!  More than 
double the anticipated number of people attended and additional dealers 
signed on at the last minute; overflow space for dealers needed to be setup 
in a classroom.  The interest and energy level was off the scale.

Expertise from all areas was well represented and everyone was friendly and 
willing to share.  The Conference kicked off with a slide presentation and 
talk by David Meunch on Friday evening.  Saturday morning, the dealers were 
setup and discussion groups began.  Kodak was gracious in handing out a box 
of Ready Loads to all attendees (your choice, B&W, color print or 
transparency.)  The only downside was insufficient time.

On average, three discussions/presentations would occur concurrently, so 
choices had to be made.  Saturday I attended:
-	The Mammoth Camera: Michael A. Smith, Dick Arentz & Sandy King
-	The Alternative Processes Print: Dick Arentz (Pt/Pd) Sandy King (Carbon) 
Zoe Zimmerman (Albumen) & Stuart Melvin (Carbon over Gum)
-	Using PMK (only the last half): Gordon Hutchings

Sunday I attended:
-	Buying & Using Older Lenses: Ron Wisner, Gordon Hutchings & Jim Galvin
-	Contact Printing With Azo: Michael A. Smith & Gordon Hutchings
-	The Future of LF Film: Rep’s from Kodak, Ilford, Fuji & Bergger

Saturday evening there was a discussion/exhibition on the history of LF in 
New Mexico at a gallery off site.  This was also well attended and the 
Polaroid 20x24 camera was setup outside.  A street fair/festival was about 
to begin, but my friends and I did not stick around.  I’m sure some street 
photography would have been very productive, but we were too tired and 
hungry; it had been a long day.

I was most impressed with Dick Arentz & Sandy King’s knowledge and love of 
the processes that they’ve mastered.  I was equally impressed with Gordon 
Hutching’s knowledge of Pyro and general subjects’ photographic, Ron 
Wisner’s knowledge of lenses and Micheal A. Smith’s love of Azo printing.  
All of these folks were very open.   They all brought prints to share and 
pass around and all questions were answered.

Shortly after the event began on Saturday morning, I remarked to my friend 
that if the event had ended at this time, I would have felt as though my 
time was well spent and had no regrets - my friend concurred.  We met some 
interesting people and made some new friends.  Someone asked Steve Simmons 
about next year and he said he was trying to recover from this year, but 
from the enthusiasm I observed it’s inevitable.

Regards, Pete

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